Inhalation is the most common method of administering medications to patients with lung or airway illnesses, as well as a major source of inadvertent exposure when chemicals and agrochemicals are manufactured, handled, or used. To adequately analyze the effects of inhaled substances, safety evaluation for inhalation toxicology necessitates experience and particular capabilities.
The history of inhalation toxicology as a separate discipline can be traced back more than a century. The materials and designs used to build inhalation chambers, as well as the equipment needed to create controlled test atmospheres of a wide variety of gases, vapours, dusts, and droplets, have advanced. The development of new equipment for giving metered dose inhalers, a relatively new topic, has led to the development of new equipment for administering this unique dosage type. The measures used to assess inhalation toxicity are the same as those used to assess toxicity by any other route of delivery. Furthermore, there are several specific approaches for early detection of pulmonary toxicity, particularly in children.